蕭惠君 教授
學歷 :
Ph.D. Art Education, Pennsylvania State University, USA
M.F.A Digital Arts, Pratt Institute, USA
B.F.A 國立臺北藝術大學美術系
專長領域 :
教授課程 :
電子信箱 : hsiao888@gmail.com
美國Ohio State University–訪問學者 (2013~2014)
臺灣科技大學商業設計系–兼任教師 (2008~2009)
臺北藝術大學–兼任教師 (1997~2002)
美國賓州州立大學Palmer Museum –兼職平面設計師 (2003~2005)
國家表演藝術中心-國家兩廳院–專職美術設計師 (1997~1998)
ICON Multimedia–多媒體設計師
- 蕭惠君(2013)。美術館展示空間之牆面色彩設計研究。設計學報,18(4), 87-108。(THCI Core)
- 蕭惠君(2013)。功能茶包裝之標示色彩研究。 商業設計學報,17, 87-106。(THCI)
- 蕭惠君(2011)。數位遊戲之藝術創作新呈現可能: 以Vannessism的電玩藝術創作為例。藝術學刊,3(5), 37- 62。
- 蕭惠君(2010)。數位遊戲之敘事媒體新勢力。國教新知。57(3),13-22。
- 蕭惠君(2006)。Narrative in Hypertext, Internet Storytelling, and Digital Games,視覺藝術,9,41-64
- 蕭惠君(2015)色彩應用研究。桑格出版社,臺北。
- 蕭惠君(2011)機造影片的藝術與實踐。桑格出版社,臺北。
- Hsiao, H., (2009). Identity construction, reflective learning, and digital game. VDM: Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrücken.
- Hsiao, H., (2014). The Design of Wall Colors in Art Exhibitions. The Asian Conference on the Arts, Humanities and Sustainability (ACAHS 2014 ). (in press).
- Hsiao, H., (2013). Using Machinima as a Method for Color Practice and Digital Narrative Creation. The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology. 329-341.
- 蕭惠君(2010)。數位學習的經驗設計原則。成人教育與數位學習研討會。高雄市立空中大學,高雄(Conference CD-Rom proceeding, 1-17).
- Hsiao, H. (2009). Reflective learning through playing digital game the Sims 2. The 4th International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2009), 220-227. Athabasca University. Banff, Canada.
- 蕭惠君(2009)。數位遊戲的玩遊解放運動:機造影片的新時代。2009 年傳播與科技研討會(Conference CD-Rom proceeding, 1-15).交通大學, 新竹。
- Hsiao, H., (2007). A brief review of digital games and learning, IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (IEEE DIGITEL 2007). 124-129. (獲Best Paper提名)
- Hsiao, H., (2011). Using Machnima as an Art Form of Digital Narrative (NAEA 2011), Seattle, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2010). Digital Game as a New Method of Color Practice (NAEA 2010), Baltimore, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2009). Using Digital Technology in Chromatics Instruction (NAEA 2009), Minneapolis, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2008). Participatory and Modifiable Cultural Representation in Digital Games (NAEA 2008), New Orleans, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2007) “Reflective Learning with Narrative Interface in a Game Environment”, paper presented in National Art Education Association Convention (NAEA 2007), New York, USA.
- Chang, W., & Hsiao, H., (2007) “The Application of Digital Archives in Art Education”, paper presented in National Art Education Association Convention (NAEA 2007), New York, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2006) Reflective Learning with Interactive Narrative Interface in a Game Environment, The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH 2006). Los Angeles, USA.
- Hsiao, H., (2006) “Reflective Learning with Narrative Interface in a Game Environment”, paper presented in GREA 2006 Conference, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Hsiao, H., (2006) “From “Learn to Play” to “Play to Learn”, paper presented in National Art Education Association Convention (NAEA 2006), Chicago, USA
- Hsiao, H., (2006) “Integrating the Body, Technology, and Art Education, paper presented in National Art Education Association Convention 2006 (NAEA 2006), Chicago, USA